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Thursday, June 15, 2023

Checkerboard, Walking Path, and Islands

Welcome to another post highlighting the quilt back designs from my new book, Perfectly Pieced Quilt Backs!  Today marks the beginning of the second half of the book, which has fifteen pieced quilt back designs that use stash and yardage.  These Stash and Yardage Backs are perfect if your quilt top has used up every bit of fabric you have, or if you want to save the scraps for another project.  The backs in this section are organized by the number of fabrics used.  So, let's jump right in!  

Quilt Backs With Two or Three Fabrics

If you can sew simple, big squares, you can make a Checkerboard quilt back!  Choose two fabrics that coordinate with the front of your quilt and you'll have this one put together in no time at all.

Or, if you're feeling adventurous, you can certainly make this quilt back with more than two fabrics.  Using several fabrics loses the checkerboard look, but the construction is the same!

Speaking of easy, the Walking Path design is up next.  This quilt back has just two long seams, so it's practically as easy as a single-fabric back.  If you're a newbie to pieced quilt backs, this one is a great one to get your feet wet!

This is one I use a LOT!  Sometimes my "walking path" is a solid with a print background, and other times, I switch it up.

It's easy to make variations on this simple design to suit your needs.  You can use a third fabric on one side-

Or use two fabric stripes in the middle of the background, instead of just one-

Or this one is easily modified to use scraps!  Orphan block pieces (or scraps) as the "walking path" look great too.  There are lots of possibilities to make this one your own!

The final featured design today is the Islands quilt back.  When you have a gorgeous large print and you just can't bear to cut it into smaller pieces, the Islands design is the perfect choice!  This quilt back preserves those luscious prints, and the random, floating layout is fun and whimsical.

Okay, so I know you're wondering how to get a copy of Perfectly Pieced Quilt Backs for yourself.  It's easy!

If you want a signed copy, you can get it from my Etsy shop HERE, or by clicking on the book image at the top left sidebar.  

It's also available everywhere you usually buy quilt books- Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Connecting Threads, Missouri Star, and Fat Quarter Shop.  It's being carried by all of the major distributors, so you can also ask your local quilt shop to carry it.

I truly hope you'll consider adding it to your quilt library.  Thanks so much, friends!


  1. Hi Kelly,
    I was directed to your blog through Laura from Slice of Pi Quilts. I've been browsing through you quilts and WOW! So many have given me so much inspiration. You are an expert at combining fabrics/colors. I even enjoyed the unique titles of each quilt Thanks so much.

  2. Thank you so much, Bernadine! I’m glad you found me, and so happy you’ve enjoyed browsing through my quilts.

    :) Kelly


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