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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Time to Party!

Welcome to this week's Needle and Thread Thursday, y'all!  In case you missed it, check out my finished Ball and Jacks quilt that I posted earlier this morning.  At first, I planned on adding it into this post, but as I wrote, I felt like it was getting too lengthy, especially considering that this post will also include giveaway winners!  First off though, let me show you the pull for my latest project.

I have a LOT of reds in my stash, and I haven't made a quilt with red in quite a while.  I always find that reds are tricky to pair with other colors.  With blues, the quilt comes out looking patriotic, and with greens, it looks like Christmas.  Red with aqua and gray is happy and fresh though, and I'm looking forward to cutting into them!

So, let's get to the giveaway winners.  All of the prizes are exactly the same, so here are all four lucky winners with their comment numbers- Kelly Grace (17), Karen- Quilts Etc. (4), Pauline Perry (117), and Little Black Cat Quilting (43)

Congratulations to all of the winners!  I'll be contacting you via email so I can ship your goodies to you!

Now, let's get to the features from last week's party!  There sure were some stunners in last week's lineup- like this amazing selvage bookcase by Jess at Quilty Habit.  Jess has a mini tutorial for this, so if you missed it, go find out how she created this fabulousness.

or this fun use of improv piecing by Material Detachment.
and even this mesmerizing, colorful quilt top from Myra at Busy Hands Quilts.

Time to party!  Let's link up!

1.  You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post (not to your home page!) to make it easier for others.
3. Please remember to spread the word and post my button or a text link.  
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!


  1. thank you so much Kelly - I see I am one of the winners! love fabric prizes

    1. just received my fabric win from you in today's mail Kelly - thanks - beautiful fabric!

  2. Aw, thanks Kelly!! It was so fun to make and it's *almost* done!

  3. I love your fabric pull for your next quilt! I always forget about the red/aqua/gray color scheme when I'm brainstorming, but it's always so stunning. :) Thanks for hosting the giveaway, I can't believe my good luck! :D

  4. I love red, I think it goes with everything, almost like a neutral. :-))

  5. Love the red and teal color combination. Looking forward to seeing what you are cooking up next.

  6. Hi Kelly! You have picked beautiful bundle for your next quilt! I would love to make quilt with those colours. Thank you for the party and congratulations for the lucky ladies! x Teje

  7. Congrats to the winners!
    Wow, the bookshelf quilt is so cool! And the other projects are great, too.

  8. I love that colour combo, I wouldn't have thought of grey! This gives me great ideas about a charity quilt I've offered to make, thank you!

  9. I love that 'bookcase' selvedges quilt - what a cool idea! And your fabric pull colours are lovely - they will make a super quilt, can't wait to see the results!

  10. Your newest color combo is an absolute favorite of mine. I am also mesmerized by a darker red/darker teal combo. Congrats to your winners too!

  11. Congratulations to the winners.

  12. Love your fabric pull - can't wait to see the quilt!

  13. Looking forward your new quilt with those fantastic fabrics. Thanks so much for featuring my Postcard From Sweden quilt top! It will sure be sad to mail it off.

  14. This colour scheme is really beautiful. I am looking forward to see the result !

  15. This colour scheme is really beautiful. I am looking forward to see the result !

  16. Wow! Those are gorgeous fabrics! Can't wait to see what you do with them!!

  17. I was also a winner! Thank you so very much!

    1. Yes! congratulations to you Deborah! I'm happy your comment was drawn after another winner passed!

      :) Kelly


Thanks so much for your comment and for visiting! I read and appreciate every single comment, and I reply to each one as soon as I can. If you don't hear back from me, you might be a no-reply blogger. :)

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