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Sunday, March 29, 2015


Happy Sunday, y'all! My wild thing sang a duet in church this morning, and since then, we have just been enjoying family time and the glorious spring weather.  I got all of the blocks for my latest quilt finished last night, and took a few minutes this afternoon to put the top together though.

I am just loving the colors in this quilt.  The bright, fresh colors of a beautiful sunny sky have been really fun to work with.  I made the quilt using my Purse Strings Block Tutorial, and it went together pretty quickly.  The blocks finish at 15 inches, so that helps things go fast.

Spring is one of my favorite times of the year, and I hope you're enjoying some family time, and some gorgeous weather as well!


  1. Very cute pattern--I love the colors too!

  2. This color palette just sings out "spring!" - glad you're getting some warmer weather.

  3. I have some fabrics that would be perfect in this layout. I think I'm going to use your pattern - thank you!

  4. This is beautiful, I love the colours!

  5. What a fun quilt - I love a large block that incorporates a bunch of shapes in it and this color palette is just so warm and inviting.

  6. I recognize that pattern from one of your tutorials. It looks great with these colors!

  7. Thanks for a great tutorial - it's now on my 'to-do' list :)

  8. Cute quilt. Very refreshing and Springy.

  9. Spring definitely is my second favourite, closely tied to summer! Love the smells, the freshness, the promise of things to come... Love this happy quilt! "took a few minutes to put the top together" egad! I wish! Mind you, your 15" block has me thinking...maybe... :-)

  10. cute pattern and I love the color combination. There is hope for spring to eventually get here.

  11. Kelly, this quilt top is lovely. I love the bold color/pattern combinations. Thank you for sharing the tutorial. I think I'll make me one!

  12. Love the pattern! Thanks for doing a newer post on it so I could see your great work!

  13. This is great, I love the colors also!

  14. This really caught my eye - I like this design - it lends itself to so many different looks. Well done.

  15. Looks wonderful! Purse strings is on my to make list!

  16. Oh I love those colors too. I need to look into that tutorial. It's a great design

  17. Kelly, this is really lovely and oh so Springy. I am looking forward to the finished quilt.
    Sew Preeti Quilts

  18. Beautiful! I like the design, a bit traditional but also modern. Pinned! :-)

  19. They are great colors! So pretty!

  20. Beautiful pattern! It reminds me of my favorite, Weathervane but cooler!

  21. Love the colors and pattern, so sunny and happy!

  22. Yes, I certainly do love this quilt.

  23. Oh my. I love the pattern and the colors! Thanks for the tutorial! This may be my next quilt project.


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