Happy December and welcome to Needle and Thread Thursday, my friends. I hope that all of you in the US had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! This week, I've been deep into a secret sewing project. It's an idea that I hope will become my fourth book, and it may seem odd to start something so big right before Christmas, but when inspiration strikes, you just have to get to it!
In other news, I've been working on another project behind the scenes for a few months now, and I'm super excited that it's finally ready share with you. Beginning in 2025, I will be offering two different virtual trunk shows via Zoom. I love visiting with quilters so much that I have resisted this option in the past, but I have had so many guilds inquire about it, I decided to take the plunge into the Zoom world.
The first trunk show is called Make Your Scraps Work, and this is the trunk show that I currently offer in-person. In this trunk show, I share the quilts from my first two books, Stash Statement, and Scrappy Improv Quilting, along with several others that showcase the scrappy improv technique.
The second virtual trunk show option is called Show Your Back Side (wink!), and as you might guess, in this presentation, I share all of the different pieced quilt backs from my book, Perfectly Pieced Quilt Backs, along with several examples of how to adapt the patterns for your own individual quilt leftovers. This trunk show is only available virtually.
As airfare and hotel costs continue to climb, virtual trunk shows are a great alternative, and I have learned that many guilds actually prefer them. Best of all, presenting virtually means there are lots more open slots in my schedule. For example, I could present two virtual shows in two different states on consecutive days, which is something I could never do when traveling.
To be clear, I LOVE meeting quilters in person, and I love having a hands-on approach to teaching the scrappy improv technique, so, I will still be traveling to in-person events if a guild invites me. And keep in mind that I am also limiting my virtual options to trunk shows only, so if your guild wants a workshop, in-person is still the only option.
To get all of the details on pricing and scheduling, just click on the Email Me button on my left sidebar. Or pass my information along to your guild's programming chair. I'd love to get something on the calendar for your guild!
Okay, friends! Without further ado, let's check out the highlights from our last party. These THREE shares are from Nancy at Grace and Peace Quilting-
Okay friends! It's almost time to party, but before we do, I want to let you know that this will be my last post until after the new year. I'll be taking a social media break for the rest of December. Since New Year's Day falls on a Wednesday this year, I'll be back on Wednesday, January 8th. I hope you all have a happy, healthy holiday season, and I'll see you in 2025!