Like I said, I am so pleased with the way it turned out, that I couldn't resist a little bit of cheesiness in the photos, and pulled out my extremely old cowboy boots for the photo-op. They look right at home next to this quilt, and I'm totally embracing the cheese.
I backed the quilt with Kona Coal and put a wide stripe of chambray through the middle. I stippled the quilt with tan thread to blend with the sashing (Kona Parchment) on the front, but gave a nice contrast on the back. I have to say that this wasn't the easiest to quilt. Although these look like all flannels, they aren't. They are men's dress shirt fabric. Some of these shirts were very soft and thin, so it made it tougher to quilt (and now that we're on the subject, a real pain to piece too). I chose Kona Rich Red for the binding, and I think it just sets the whole thing off.
*by the way, I opted not to use any of the shirt pockets on this quilt. When I laid them out, it just took too much away from the kaleidoscope illusion.
It was difficult to find the right wording for the label of this quilt, and I'm still not sure I succeeded. It was tricky because even though I made the quilt, it is a gift to my Dad from my grandmother, and made from his Daddy's shirts. That's three people on one quilt label! Here's what I came up with-
For Wes-
a gift from your Mother
handmade with love from
your Daddy's shirts
by your daughter, Kelly
June 2013
(when I made the label, I didn't think I'd get it finished before June. May 30th is close enough, ha!)
Frankly, it's all stitched down and quilted through, so at this point, it is what it is. I played around with lots of different ways to word it, and I honestly don't think there is a less wordy way to get all of that on there.
I love that I've had the opportunity to make this quilt for my Dad (and by proxy, my grandmother), and I hope he really loves the manliness of it. I know he'll appreciate the memento of his father for years to come. And, although I won't pretend that my grandfather was the greatest communicator, I'd like to think that if he were himself, he would approve of what I've done and be proud.
I'm calling this quilt Western Kaleidoscope.
I'm entering this in Quilting Gallery's weekly Quilter's Show and Tell. The theme this week is Memory Quilts, so I thought it would fit right in! Starting tomorrow (5/31), swing by and vote for my quilt. At the time I entered the quilt, I had not yet decided on a name, so it is titled "PaPa's Western Shirts" in the Show and Tell.
Here's the link- Quilter's Show and Tell. My quilt is titled "PaPa's Western Shirts" there, since I hadn't decided on the name yet. :)