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Monday, January 15, 2018

CMM January Blocks

It's time to link up your January blocks for the Classic Meets Modern BOM Quilt Along!  When I was deciding on the block order for this quilt along, I made the choice to go ahead and put one of the most time consuming blocks at the very beginning.  The piecing is basic, but any 24 inch block is bound to take a little more time to put together.  That being said, the Star of Bethlehem block has real wow factor.

Because this block uses some larger pieces, I thought it was perfect for the largest print in my bundle, and I love how well it shows off the pretty blooms.

After piecing the Star of Bethlehem block, I thought we could all use an easy peasy second block this month.  Even though its construction is simple, there's something about the Antique Tile block that is classically appealing.

Before sewing my January blocks, I took a few minutes to plan the color distribution for my quilt.  I was able to color mine digitally (and I wish I could share that capability with you), but a blank planning sheet has been added to the pattern for you, and a few colored pencils will work just as well.  Once I had my planning sheet filled in, I taped it to one of the blank pages in the back of my Quilter's Planner.  I'm going to be referring to it all year long, so I wanted it in an easily accessible place.

Now that I see all of the colors planned out, I am even more excited about this quilt along, and I didn't think that was possible!  If you're thinking of participating with us, you still have time!  With just two blocks per month, it will be easy to catch up.  If you're just joining in, you can check out the kickoff post HERE for all of the information you'll need (including links to the pattern in my Etsy and Craftsy shops).

A few notes about the link party before we get to it, since several people have emailed me and asked-

*You do NOT need a blog to participate in this quilt along.  You can link your blocks to an Instagram page, or even a Flickr or Photobucket account.  When you add your link, just use the web address to the specific post.  If you have trouble, just shoot me an email, and I'll walk you through it as best I can.

*Remember, the party for each month will post on the 15th of the month, but you don't have your blocks finished by then, don't stress!  The link party will remain open through the last day of the month.  And, even if you have a crazy busy month and can't sew your blocks, just catch up later on.  There's no quilt police here!  As long as you have a finished quilt top by our final link party at the end of the quilt along, you'll be eligible for the prizes.

*Finally, don't forget to grab a button for your sidebar, and add a link to your post so others can join in the fun, and use the hashtag #classicmeetsmodernbomqal on Instagram!

Classic Meets Modern QAL

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=" " border="0" alt="Classic Meets Modern QAL" /> </a>

Okay, friends!  I can't wait to see your Star of Bethlehem and Antique Tile blocks.  Time to link them up!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice. My fabric is now washed and ironed. Let the sewing begin!


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