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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Blush and Gold Baby

If you've followed me for awhile, you know that pastels and metallics aren't usually my thing.  I love working with bright, saturated color, even when the pattern I've chosen is more traditional.  There is something to be said for branching out though, and if you're going to do it, a little baby quilt is the perfect place.

This quilt was made specifically to match a nursery decorated in soft pink, white, and gold, and measures 48 inches square. Each oval snowball block finishes at 3" x 6" and the pattern really shows off the whisper-soft palette.  Considering that this is out of the norm for me, I'm feeling like I nailed the colors and design on this one, and I love it much more than I expected!


  1. Really sweet! I love these colors together!

  2. I love that color combination! And I'm absolutely not a pastel person. But the hint of metallic with the pink is just gorgeous. The whole thing just looks rose gold to me. Very luxurious looking!

  3. So pretty, I love baby quilts that aren't traditionally baby as I feel they will get a lot more use later as they grow older. x

  4. It looks lovely - nice to try something different.

  5. Your eye just keeps moving, moving, moving, so you did a great job on fabric placement! The gold makes it sparkle just a bit, perfect to welcome a baby. Very cute!

  6. I didn't get enough of this on IG...I had to come see it again! For some reason I am drawn to the design and especially the colors! Which makes me think I'm getting 'soft' since pastel is not my thing! I can't wait to see it finished!

  7. I'm not a big pastel-lover either, but this is a quilt I could love! The pattern you chose really works well with the fabrics.

  8. I really love what you did with this pattern. It gives it a whole different look than with the reproduction fabrics that I normally see it in. Great job!


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