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Thursday, November 15, 2018

CMM November Blocks

Okay, so I have a little confession to make.  I was so excited to finish the very last blocks of my Classic Meets Modern quilt that I totally forgot to take process photos.  I went right from finished blocks to a finished quilt top all in one day.  I only realized after the fact that my snowballs and flying geese didn't get pics all by themselves (and of course, unpicking was out of the question).  Even so, you'll still have to wait until December for the full quilt reveal!

ps- if you're looking for this week's NTT, you can find it HERE!

Rather than sticking with a consistent color scheme for my filler snowball and flying geese blocks, I decided to go all-out scrappy, using up plenty of my favorite leftover bits.

Instead of two different flying geese pointing outward from the center, I decided to substitute a single square on point;  and for my smaller flying geese, I did decide on a consistent gray background.  I thought that section of the quilt would have been a little too busy otherwise.

I love how using prints with this pattern gives it a completely different look from my original version with solids.  I can't wait to see all of your final blocks (and of course, your quilts!)  Okay, ya'll!  Let's see those snowballs and geese!

1.  If you're late to the party, it's okay!  You can get the Classic Meets Modern pattern in my Etsy or Craftsy shops (links on my right sidebar).  As long as you have a finished quilt top at the end of the QAL, you'll be eligible for the prizes.

2.  Remember, the link party opens on the 15th of each month, and will close at midnight CST on the last day of the month.  You can certainly link to the weekly NTT post if you like, but be sure to link your quilt along blocks to this party, so everyone is sure to see your progress.

3.  You don't have to have a blog to join in!  You can link to an Instagram post, or even a Flickr account.  Use the hashtag #classicmeetsmodernbomqal on Instagram!  If you do have a blog, grab a button to let everyone know you're participating!  You can get the button on my right sidebar.


  1. I've finished the snowballs, just have the flying geese! I have kept up with this entire quilt-a-long, and hope to have a finished quilt top by the time Thanksgiving weekend is over! It's been a fun pattern.

  2. Can't wait to see your finished top. I hope to get all my blocks pieced before the end of this month. So then I can ponder and ponder on how to quilt it.


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