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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

NTT and a Wedding Quilt

Happy Needle and Thread Thursday!  I have been working on a huge quilt for a friend for the past several days.  She is getting married in a couple of months, and she and her fiancé asked for a quilt made in the colors they are using in their wedding, to use on their bed in their home when they are married.  Remember that luscious berry fabric that tempted me so much with the binding of my Gemstones quilt?  Well, this was its intended purpose-

When someone has very specific colors in mind for a quilt, I always ask for photographs including the colors and style they like, or I even have them create a pinterest board to be sure that the vision they have in their mind matches my own.  Color can be so tricky to describe with words, because descriptors like light, soft, dark, deep, bright, and muted are so subjective.  The way these words are interpreted can change the look of the entire quilt.

Lately, I've found that asking for paint chips in the desired colors is a great way to make sure that the colors I include are exactly what a client wants.  While shopping for fabric, the paint chips are easy to hold against the bolts to make sure that my choices are just the right shades, and I can keep them clipped to the project notes in my planner so they're always at hand.  Another great thing about the paint chips is that they also include several shades within the same color family.  We all know that without some variation in colors, a quilt ends up looking flat, so those additional shades are important to give the quilt enough contrast.

*Edited to add (since several have asked, and I can't believe I forgot to mention it)- Yes!  I am already working on the pattern for this quilt!  I am calling it Interference.

The paint chips for this quilt included navy, aqua, teal, and gray, but my friend asked if I could include one additional color to add some pop.  I gave a few options that I thought would look pretty with the palette, but we both decided that this shade of rich berry was perfect.  Berry is a tricky color, because it's hard to go lighter without it looking too pink or purple, but I do love how well these colors play together.  I can't wait for her to see it!

There was all kinds of awesomeness linked up at last week's NTT.   Here's a little sampling some of that amazing creativity!  These diamonds by Sew Preeti Quilts are absolutely gorgeous!

Young Texan Mama's Advent Calendar finish is too cute!  I love seeing Christmas projects pop up throughout the year!

and The Easy Quilter showed off several charity quilt tops in her post, but this scrappy rainbow bowtie is my favorite by far!

Okay y'all;  it's time to party!  Just remember-

1.  You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post (not to your home page!) to make it easier for others.
3. Please remember to spread the word and post my button or a text link.  
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!

*Welcome to any new quilty friends joining this week's party!  Here's a helpful tip for linking up- select "Auto Crop"  when selecting your thumbnail photo.  For some reason, trying to crop your own image results in the dreaded "white question mark box," and we definitely want to see your awesome work!  :)


  1. all nice quilts - love that bow tie, I made one a couple years ago using a different layout.

  2. Thanks for sharing my advent calendar!

  3. Paint chips are a great idea :) Is there a pattern for this quilt or is it one you've done? Looks great!

  4. I am SO excited to be featured this week! I've added an "Achievements" section to my blog page and put your awesome "I Was Featured" button there! - The Easy Quilter

  5. Awesome fabrics. I like the idea of using paint chips. This is a great pattern. Did you create it?

  6. Oh...the berry wedding quilt is wonderful! They will love it! Do you offer the pattern? It's a must have/must make! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I can't believe I forgot to mention this in my post (I just added it), but YES! I am already working on the pattern for this quilt. I'll be sure to let everyone know when it is released!

      :) Kelly

  7. Wonderful quilts. The berry fabric just pops, but doesn't overwhelm, the wedding quilt. Lovely work.

  8. So much color! Thanks for the linkup.

  9. Such a pretty quilt! Great idea to use paint chips to be sure of a customer's desires.

  10. I'm crushing on that berry! Perfect addition to the bride's color palette.

  11. Great colors and I love the paint chip idea. This looks like it will be a great fast quilt pattern as well!

  12. Wow! Fun and bright, perfect in my book. Great pattern name too.

  13. Wow,another week of fabulous projects.I love to have a look over the links.Great party.


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