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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Polkadots and Posies

I just finished putting the binding on my HST quilt, and now that it's finished, I do like it better.  I think it will make a sweet quilt for a little girl.

It took awhile for me to get into the groove of quilting this one.  My thread broke a few times before i realized that it was wrapped around my sewing machine handle, and then there was this-

I've broken needles on safety pins before, but I have never had this happen.  I immediately freaked out, worried that I had messed up my machine, then remembered that Hydeeann from Splish Splash Stash had this happen a few days ago, and her machine was fine-which was reassuring.  I'll never make the mistake of thinking I can sew that close to a pin again!

After much annoyance, I managed to finish the stippling on the quilt (I really must try another kind of FMQ, but I just love it!).  I kept the stippling fairly wide so that the quilt would stay soft and drapey.

With the polkadot backing and binding, as well as some polkadots in the April Cornell fabric, I've decided to call this one Polkadots and Posies.  I almost called it Pocket Full of Posies, but with my previous Ring Around the Rosy quilt, I thought that would be high on the cheese factor.  This label is one of the neatest ones I've done (writing on fabric neatly is harder than it sounds).  If you're wondering how I make and attach my labels- without hand stitching and without the stitches showing on the front, you can find a tutorial HERE as part of the Beginner QAL.  It's really easy!

I managed to use every single scrap of this fabric by also piecing the backing, so it is 100% gone!  It always makes me happy when I don't have leftovers (those multiply when you're not looking, you know).  I went with asymmetry on the backing, and I'm happy I did!  It's much more interesting!

Well, I still have a huge (40 FQ) bundle of April Cornell's Spring Magic that I need to use (again, very pretty fabric, but not exactly my style lately).  I tried to find a single picture of all the fabrics, but the best I could find after so long is a link to the Moda brochure HERE.  Once I use that, that will be the end of my shabby chic fabrics!

ps- don't forget, tomorrow is Needle and Thread Thursday!  I hope you'll link up!


  1. I hate it when I break a needle! The quilt turned out great and is absolutely perfect for a little girl.

  2. Ooh - that's scary! Once I actually poked a hole in the top of the safety pin, but never had it break off embedded like that. Beautiful finish - so bright and springy! :)

  3. Congrats on working toward your stash buster mission! I like this design!

  4. Congrats! It looks fantastic! I broke a needle last week and I still havent found the broken piece. I took everything off of the machine to the point I was worried I wasnt going to get back together! So far so good - hopefully it doesnt show up in a really ugly way later.

  5. A perfect girlie quilt, love your fabrics you used:)

  6. Adding that white border was just what this quilt needed. Another great finish, Kelly! Wow... That pic of the needle broke off in the safety pin... Too close for comfort, eh?


  7. Sweet and I love your Label!

  8. You are totally rockin' the stash busting! This one is so cute, definitely perfect for a little girl! So, what, you're averaging a quilt about every three days or so... you need to slow down, you're making the rest of us look bad, lol, just kidding! Great work, keep it up!!

  9. This quilt is great! I'm always terrified when I break a needle and then have toe scramble to find all the pieces before they cause problems.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind comment! yes, I was really worried about it too!

      :) Kelly
      ps- responding here since you're a no-reply blogger

  10. I guess you're so 'in the quilting zone', you don't see the approaching pins! I stitched straight through a flat head pin once. It left two holes and now looks like a button! Haha. I think your machine is sturdy enough to do a bit of 'off roading' once in a while.
    One of these days I'm going to link up on a Thursday, I swear....

  11. That's lovely quilt! Yay for that broken needle.

  12. Fabulous as usual:) I was wondering how you do your labels? Maybe a post??? I am so horrible about doing them and then end up scrambling to just write my name in the corner.

  13. What a pretty quilt and good work on working though your stash!

  14. I love the colours! Soft and warm, and it looks so inviting. Your labels look very professional, mine need a bit more practise :-)

  15. Very sweet quilt Kelly!! I had a pin tucked under my left feed dog the other day and didn't know it until I removed what I was sewing. That is why there was a weird feeling as I was sewing along ---doh. It happens right?! Glad your machine is A-OK!

  16. Lovely quilt! I wish I could stipple, but my brain just doesn't seem to like doing it. Lol.

  17. Beautiful Quit Kelly! The fabrics are so lovely and soft and they work so well with your pattern. So happy that your machine didn't break (I'm always afraid of the needles flinging and hitting me if they break-although this seems highly unlikely)

  18. Lovely! It is such a sweet, girly quilt. The colors are just darling. :)

  19. Love your stippling and what a pretty quilt!!

  20. That's a beautiful quilt, Kelly! Love the colors! And even if they're not your favorite style, how fun to have 40 fat quarters to play with! Whoop whoop!!

  21. What a pretty quilt!

    When I need to write on fabric, for a label or a block, I use freezer paper. Iron it on to the back of the piece, and it's a lot sturdier than "just" fabric. Then write out your label and peel off the freezer paper!

  22. LOVE those colors! HST's rock. Polka Dots are da bomb. You couldn't go wrong with that combination! Wow! Congrats on another great finish and thanks for linking up!

    xo -E


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