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Beginner Quilt Along

Have you ever thought about making a quilt, but have no idea where to begin?  That was me almost 15 years ago- only there weren't awesome blogs that I could refer to then.

Take a look at this picture of my very first quilt (made in 1999).

I was really proud of it, but now I know that I made that quilt the hard way!  To save others from my missteps, and because recently, many of my friends (several in other states!) have asked if I will teach them to quilt, the Beginner Quilt Along was born.

Naturally, I'm just itching to share my love of quilting with others.  Of course, my husband says it's because I'm looking to convert new quilters, so we can all be obsessed together.  Crazy loves company, haha!  He might be on to something!

This Quilt Along is for true beginning quilters.  Each Monday, I'll post detailed, step-by-step instructions with lots of pictures to walk you through a part of the quilting process from beginning to end.  You'll have plenty of time between posts to complete each step.  As I would say to my 3rd graders- easy peasy lemon squeezy!

Don't worry-  I promise that the process will be manageable and most of all, FUN!!  I'll break it up so it won't be overwhelming at all, and I'll answer any questions along the way.  I'll be covering just the basics in this quilt along (we can get fancy later!).  The hardest part is deciding to do it!

We'll be making a Brick Wall pattern quilt.  The pattern is very simple- perfect for a first quilt!

Here is what it will look like all finished!

At the end of seven weeks, you'll understand the basics of quilting, and you'll have a masterpiece to show off and cherish for years!

Here is the schedule for the Beginner Quilt Along-
For some reason, my links are not showing in a different color, but I promise these are links!  :)

      *We'll have two weeks for this step to give everyone a chance to get needed materials
     (just in case shipping is necessary)
July 1- Quilting 

I hope you'll join in the fun- and spread the word so others can too!
Leave a comment and let me know that you're participating, 
and grab a button from my sidebar for your blog!


  1. Sounds like fun...
    Will try my best to join in and stay up to date...

  2. I'm doing this! Have my fabric and I'm ready to start.

    1. fantastic, Janet! Glad you're joining us.

      :) Kelly

      ps- you're a no-reply blogger, so answering you here.

  3. Wow that's really exciting! I haven't finished a quilt except for a panel quilt. But I am a great collector of quilting stuff. I tell my husband that I have my years supply of fabric ect so that if we need to barter for food one day when this big old world goes really crazy I will be set. LOL I fall in love with the fabric and don't want to cut it up. Thanks for letting me tag along.

    Vicki R

  4. Just a quick question I have a Bernina Quilters Pro that is in storage right this min, but I can't do a dang thing with it I swear. So DH just surprised me with a Brother that sew's and embroiders, it's still sitting in the box. LOL So is there something I will need to get so I can follow along?
    Vicki R

    1. Fantastic, Vicki! I'm glad to have you along! I have listed everything you need by the May 27th date above, and I just posted Cutting Your Fabric this afternoon (a little early). If you click there above, you should find everything you need. Please let me know if you have additional questions!

      -Kelly :)

      ps- you're a no-reply blogger, so I'm answering here and hope you get it!

  5. Nice...
    How big is the finished quilt?

  6. I had to laugh when you were talking about making your first quilt, "the hard way". I did the same thing and cut each tiny square out with scissors, not even doubling up the fabric. It took forever. Wish I had a quilt blog like this when I first started too. Best of luck to you.

  7. My grandma was an avid quilter and I want to keep that tradition going in our family. I have never made a quilt before, and my grandma isn't here to teach me how. I am so excited to start! Thank you for providing such a detailed tutorial!

  8. I know this is way after your post but do you know how much more fabric I would need to do a 60x72" quilt? I plan on following your tutorial but want a larger size per the husband's request. Thanks!

  9. Thank you for doing this quilting tutorial. My grandmother and I were gonna work on a quilt together and she passed away suddenly. I'm left with a couple of questions as to finishing a quilt. I will definitely be joining you for this tutorial.

  10. I'm in. I've made a few rag quilts before but as for quilts that's it but I'm interested in learning to real quilt.
    I've been sewing for years, mostly bags & really many many things but I want to learn to make this kind of quilt. I'm excited!!


PLEASE NOTE- I monitor comments closely, and spam comments will be deleted. This includes comments with links of any kind.

Thanks so much for your comment and for visiting! I read and appreciate every single comment, and I reply to each one as soon as I can. If you don't hear back from me, you might be a no-reply blogger. :)

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