Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Oh Happy Day!

Today is the day!  I worked hard yesterday to finish up the center piece for my color wheel wall just so that I could share the finish with you at today's party.  I love it SO much.

I know it's hard to tell in the photo, but these minis take up the entire wall (each one measures 24 inches square).  If you look back at the photo of the original wall, you will see that the thermostat is not centered.  It was only about five inches to the left of center, but that was enough to throw a wrench in this design.  I just didn't have enough wiggle room on the wall, and they wouldn't have fit unless I had an electrician center the thermostat on the wall (which of course, I did- totally worth it).

At first, I was a little stumped about how to finish the center of the wall.  I originally thought that I wanted to create a black/gray/white color gradient piece, but when I realized that it would have to be so long and skinny, I decided against it.  A long and skinny shape is perfect for text though!  Ultimately, I decided that a little uplifting message on crisp white would be perfect.  The space above the chair rail is only a couple inches shy of six feet, so this is a LOT of color in one place.  The text actually gives the eye a place to rest, and I think it ties the whole thing together without being overwhelming.

The center mini is created with solids and raw edge appliqué using Heat n Bond Lite.  It was lots of fun to use a rainbow of Aurifil 50 wt. thread to stitch down each letter.

I went back and forth with myself on how to quilt it.   I really wanted a filler that would allow the white background to recede with the solid letters popping out.  So, I quilted with a very dense stipple around the letters, and then finished it off with a solid black binding.  The center mini measures 9.5" x 40", and I promise it's straight and square (as are all of the minis).  Since I've only pinned the top of each quilt to the wall, you can see that there are places where the bottom of the quilts aren't completely flush against the wall.  That's all good in person, but gives the impression that they aren't straight and square in the pic.

Remember my happy accident with the quilting?  Well, I was able to work it into my design very easily.  Once I realized my mistake, it just took a little planning.  The quilts with only two swoops in the quilting design are on top and bottom, and the ones with four swoops in the design are on the sides.

Since these are up on a wall, it's not easy to get close-up views, and of course these are indoor photos. So, if you missed a color or two and want to take a look at outdoor detail shots of each mini, here are the links to the original posts-  blue, red, orange and pink, teal and yellow, purple and green.

This wall has been lacking inspiration for a long time, but not anymore.  Just walking into my studio brightens my mood and puts a huge smile on my face.  With all of that color, how could a day in my studio be anything but a happy day?

I actually had a friend ask me for photos of the steps in my process for putting these together in order to get the color gradient effect just right.  Since I already have the step photos, if there is enough interest, I would be happy to write up a tutorial for it.  Just let me know in the comments.

Last week's party was amazing, as usual!  Paula at The Sassy Quilter is ready for the 2019 holiday season with this awesome Modern Christmas Trees quilt  (you're not behind, Paula, you're just WAY ahead).

Kris at Sew Sunshine shared this gorgeous Sunset Strip quilt.

Nicole at Handwrought Quilts linked up this beautiful rainbow quilt.  This is the back, and you definitely don't want to miss the front of this beauty.

And finally, Pi Day is upon us, and this Pi to Infinity mini by Slice of Pi Quilts is the perfect way to mark the occasion.

Okay y'all!  It's time to show me the latest projects from your sewing space.  Let's party!

1You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post (not to your home page!) to make it easier for others.
3. Please remember to spread the word and post my button or a text link.  
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!

*If you're new to the party, here's a helpful tip for linking up- select "Auto Crop"  when selecting your thumbnail photo.  For some reason, trying to crop your own image results in the dreaded "white question mark box," and we definitely want to see your awesome work!  :)


  1. WOW!!! That colorful wall will make you smile every single day. It's beautiful.

  2. Love your wall! That ought to inspire great things to come--worth all the hard work. I'd smile, too!!

  3. I would LOVE to see your process photos! These are gorgeous, brings a smile to my face just to look at your post, I cant imagine how happy your studio must be!!!!!

  4. I didn't see THAT coming!! But... I like it! :o))

  5. I love your wall - that looks so great - I too didn't realize what you were doing with them and it just looks so great

  6. Wow, it would definitely be uplifting to walk into a studio and see that wall of color and beauty! It's wonderful that you will get to enjoy that all the time.

  7. It would be interesting to read more about your process in making these color study quilts. You've certainly shown them off to great advantage.

  8. What a beautiful, wonderful rainbow wall of minis!

  9. It's been well worth the wait! You did an amazing job and the cherry on top is the banner in the middle! It makes me smile looking at all of them together! Masterful job at the gradient effect too! Well done Kelly!!

  10. I love your wall of minis! Well done all round. I also really like that turquoise and pink are part of your rainbow. They're always part of mine.

    Thanks to for featuring my quilt this week!

  11. I've enjoyed the individual reveals, but this is awesome! Yes, I would like to see a process tutorial!!

  12. I too would like to see a process tutorial. The wall is great, so colorful especially on our grey rainy days.

  13. They look amazing on the wall together! I love the Oh Happy Day mini in the middle, it really is the perfect way to fill that space and tie them all together. Wouldn't it make more sense for builders to put things like thermostats in unobtrusive places?? I've thought that so many times with the placement of one of ours...they must know that we want to decorate the walls and having a thermostat right there in the middle (or almost middle, lol) gets in the way!

  14. Kelly, I love how your inspiration wall came out and the "happy day" text banner in the center is fabulous. I also got a chuckle out of the electrician coming out to move the thermostat... And no, I'm not laughing AT you -- my "day job" is interior design so I've done WAY crazier things for clients (and for myself) to get things looking just right instead of almost-but-not-quite. :-)

  15. Your colorful wall is just glorious! And I like the coordinating thread. :)

  16. I am envious of your fabulous wall o'color!! It is amazing!!!

  17. I LOVE it. Wishing I could pull off that green wall.

  18. What a joyful wall! I’ve really enjoyed watching these quilts come together. They are a great study in value.

  19. I love the color on the wall...and "oh Happy day" is one of my favorite sayings. Love the mini quilts also, they are inspiring! My next project? Yeah

  20. Kelly, this is just absolutely FABULOUS!! I think I may need to do something like this for when my sewing room renovation is complete! I like your green wall colour too. :-)

  21. I love your color wheel minis. I would love a tutorial on how you made them. Gorgeous wall!

  22. Yes! To the tutorial! I have a bare wall that this would really offset....

  23. Seriously beautiful finish! It looks fun and happy! Congratulations!

  24. I can't love this wall enough. I'd want to spend all of my time in that room for the sheer joy of staring at that beautiful wall of quilty art.

  25. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your quilt wall, the colorful minis and your text mini!!! A tutorial would be nice.
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  26. Decided to follow you after seeing your wall of colour!! Very interesting!

  27. What a fantastic color wheel! It brings a smile to my face seeing them all together, too; Oh Happy Day indeed!

  28. It is great happy happy happy!!!Would love to learn the with a tutorial!!

  29. Love the quilts and would love a tutorial to see how you did them.


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