Sunday, August 21, 2016

Starfire Finished and Winners!

My Starfire quilt has been finished for awhile, but we have been getting just enough rain each day to keep everything a little bit damp.  Today we were finally granted a reprieve, just long enough for things to (mostly) dry out and afford a quick photo op.

It was really energizing to work on a quilt with a color palette so outside of my norm, and I put a serious dent in my warm color stash to boot.  Sometimes, I feel like I get stuck in a quilting rut, using similar colors and fabrics too often, and when I start worrying that all of my quilts are starting to look to similar, a project like this gives a nice jolt to my creativity.

I'm making a concerted effort to sew my stash more lately, so I tried to fit as many different prints as I could into this one.  I just used up the leftovers on the back.

Since purple is used very little in the quilt, I wanted to really pull that color out.  So, I opted to bind with one of the purple prints.  It helps that I already had it in my stash!

This pattern is almost finished, and I'm hoping to release it at next week's NTT, so be on the lookout!  

Okay, I owe you a couple of winners from the wonderful August giveaways!  

First up, the winner of the sweet Gigi Blooms zipper pouch (filled with goodies!) sponsored by Fort Worth Fabric Studio is comment number 105, Rosa!

and the winner of the Merry Moda Mix fat quarter bundle, provided by Fat Quarter Shop is comment number 110, Annette Ellis!

Congratulations to both of you, ladies!  I'll be contacting you soon via email to get information from you so that you can get your goodies!


  1. Beautiful quilt, like a ray of sunshine. Hope you dry out soon.

  2. Congrats to the winners. Starfire is gorgeous. I love oranges and yellows. Such a pretty quilt.

  3. LOVE this quilt pattern , can't wait for you to publish it!!

  4. Another great design. It is a good thing to break away from our norm once in awhile. Both in terms of color and fabric style. Did you slip in any Amy B in there anywhere?

  5. Kelly, I love this quilt! Looking forward to the pattern publication!

  6. Amazing quilt!! Love the colors!

  7. Your quilts are always such an inspiration to me. This one is absolutely stunning. I can't wait for you to publish the pattern. I definitely need to add this one to my collection

  8. I'm new to quilting and I'm not sure I'll ever make a quilt by building traditional blocks. But I love modern quilts and have been building a stash for years calling it my retirement fund. The second quilt is inspirational in that it's a great example of how a quilt can be gorgeous without being traditional.

  9. Fabulous quilt and love your fabric combo.
    Congratulations to all the winners .I am one of the lucky ones.Thanks you for the fun!

  10. It's a beauty! I usually like to use a darker fabric for the binding - it frames the quilt so nicely.

  11. Congratulations on this gorgeous finish. Love the colour and the design. Great job! ;^)

  12. This is a great quilt. And, congratulations on sewing your stash.

  13. Hi Kelly! This is gorgeus design! My favourite colours, too but I can see this also with beautiful blue/turquoise water colours! x Teje

  14. Stunning quilt! And my favorite colors, too))) The back is a beauty in itself, too.

  15. Love this colorful quilt, a great combination of blocks. The back is great too, showing all the colors and prints so well. Congratulations!

  16. Beautifully done. It always seems I balance out dreary weather by working with bright colors on those days. This palette definitely brightens up a cloudy day.

  17. Very nce! Love the designa nd the palette.

  18. I love the colors! I usually stick with the muted colors, but I really love this.

  19. Starfire is beautiful! Those colors just set my imagination on fire!


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