Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Needle and Thread Thursday...A Little Late!

Oh my goodness, I can't believe that NTT sneaked up on me this week.  In case you aren't aware, I am a Baton Rouge native, and over the weekend they received historic amounts of rainfall- over 30 inches of rain fell in about three days, causing massive flooding.  Communication was sporadic for days, and the photographs of the devastation bring tears to my eyes.  My heart is hurting for my beloved hometown.

My parents' home is not even located in a flood zone, yet they still received several inches of water in their house.  My husband left this morning to help my parents with tearing out sheetrock, flooring, and general cleanup (since school has already started for my wild thing, I had to stay behind).  Needless to say, with all of this going on, the week has gotten away from me a little bit.

I have actually finished my Starfire quilt, but have not had the chance to photograph it yet, as it has been rainy here too.  so, we'll just kick off NTT with last week's features.  This stunner is by Michelle at From Bolt to Beauty-

Lori at Crossquilt shared this bright, happy finished Quilt for Pulse-

and check out this fun Crosscut quilt by Kris at Sew Sunshine.  Love it!

Okay friends!  Time to party.  I can't wait to see what's going on in your sewing space this week.  I could use a little quilt therapy right about now.

1.  You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post (not to your home page!) to make it easier for others.
3. Please remember to spread the word and post my button or a text link.  
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!

*If you're new to the party, here's a helpful tip for linking up- select "Auto Crop"  when selecting your thumbnail photo.  For some reason, trying to crop your own image results in the dreaded "white question mark box," and we definitely want to see your awesome work!  :)


  1. Every time I hear about the flood, it chokes me up. I am so glad to hear that your parents are okay and that things are on the mend. Thinking of your family and hometown.

  2. Hi Kelly! We saw also here in the news about the flooding and it looks terrible. happy to hear that your family is fine. Best wishes! x Teje

  3. So glad your parents are safe. My son lives in New Orleans (which wasn't flooded) and has friends in and around Baton Rouge. He and a bunch of guys from work went to Prairieville last night to do like your husband -- pull out damaged flooring, drywall, etc. Such a terrible situation.

  4. I'm so sorry your parents were flooded! I hope everything goes smoothly with the repairs.

  5. We had a similar situation in Nashville in 2010, so many homes affected and so long to come back for many. I helped replace insulation and drywall in homes after Katrina so I know what your husband is facing. Let us know if there if anything quilty we can do to help.

  6. I hope your parents home will not have too much damage. So many in that area have lost their homes so I am glad it was "just" damage and not a total loss. So much devastation.

  7. The rain has been crazy! It's heartbreaking. Your husband is wonderful for going and helping your parents...I hope they recover quickly!

  8. I've been listening to the reports about your home town on NPR. I am so sorry about your parents' home and all of the homes affected by the rain. The news reports lead me to believe people in Baton Rouge have been very supportive of their neighbors. The 'Cajun Navy', a group of people with boats, have been very helpful with recovery.

  9. I am very sorry to hear that! Stay safe.


  10. I hope all is well with your parents. I have also been stunned by not only the floods in Louisiana, but also the fires in California. So much suffering it breaks my heart.

  11. The flooding has been horrendous. I have quite a bit of family in Baton Rouge and they are dealing with a lot of damage. It is really terrible.
    Stay safe and I hope for good outcomes for your loved ones.

  12. Oh Kelly, it's horrible! I'm so glad your husband is able to go help your parents. Everyone is so stunned and there's so much work to do, it's almost unimaginable. Thank God we haven't had more deaths considering how quickly the water came up. Prayers for your family and friends here in the pelican state.

  13. My heart hurts for all that our friends in the BR area are going thru. Luckily for us, we moved north last year after living in Denham Springs for almost 20 years. I'll be adding your family to my prayers.

  14. Hope everyone is ok, and that the waters recede without causing further damage. It's wonderful that hubby went to help them out as that's a lot of repair work. Hope everything gets back to normal soon.

  15. Kelly, thanks for the NTT mention! : )

    The reports coming from the flood zones are heart-breaking. I can only imagine how it feels when you have a personal connection to the affected area. Praying for life for them to return to normal as soon as it can.

  16. Hope the damage to your parents was minimal and that it's not been too bad of a fix.


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