Tuesday, September 12, 2023

September Sponsor News!

Happy mid-September, y'all.  Is it starting to feel like fall where you are?  We're starting to get little hints of it here and there, and I am so ready for some cool, crisp air, sweaters and boots, and nights by the fire pit.  This time of year also means that holiday sewing and gift planning season is upon us, unless of course you've already started, in which case, hooray for you!  If you're looking for a spark on inspiration, I have lots of great things rounded up from my sponsoring shops.

LouLou's Fabric Shop is feeling the autumn vibes with their latest LouLou Bundles.  These two are so lovely!

LouLou's curates a brand new LouLou Bundle every week, and they usually follow seasonal trends.  So, if you're in need of a quick little jolt of fabric inspiration for a project, they've got you covered!

Each of these weekly bundles contains eight fat quarters, perfectly curated from a variety of fabric collections.  They're great for smaller projects, or a great starting point for a larger quilt.  Or of course, you can just use them for stash building! 

Of course, if you want an entire collection for a larger quilt, there are plenty of bundles as well- even in their amazing sale section!  This Awesome Autumn collection by Sandy Gervais for Riley Blake is so warm and cozy.

              LouLou’s Fabric Shop

Lady Belle Fabric always has lots going on, and fall is in the air there as well.  This Road to Round Top bundle by Elizabeth Chappell for Art Gallery Fabrics is more muted, but still has an autumn feel.  It's brand new in the shop.

And this collection might be called Summer in the Costwolds, but the colors feel more suited for autumn to me.  It's in the Last Chance section of the shop, so don't miss out!

                  Lady Belle Fabric

Okay, friends!  It's time to head off and check out all the awesomeness that these shops have to offer.  I promise you'll find what you need, and you'll be given the very best customer service, too!

Happy shopping!

1 comment:

  1. Both new bundles are gorgeous! Awesome Autumn is super bright and autumn-ish.


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