Tuesday, March 14, 2023

March Sponsor News!

It's the middle of March, and you know what that means!  It's time to round up the latest news from my very favorite shops.  Let's jump right in!

First up is Lady Belle Fabric, and the biggest news here is that the shop is CLOSED for maternity leave!  That's right; they're welcoming a new little one and are taking a much needed break to get adjusted.  Don't worry though, they'll be back to fulfilling orders after April 17th, and you can get all your beauties then!

               Lady Belle Fabric

At Fort Worth Fabric Studio, there are always lots of fun things going on.  Right now, their March Bargains and Sale sections are bursting with lovelies like this super cute Sew Much Fun collection!

One of my favorite collections in the shop right now is this Old Fashioned Fourth bundle.  I love that it uses patriotic colors without "hitting you over the head" with a theme.  Don't get me wrong, I do love a theme quilt, but sometimes it's nice to have a bit more subtlety.

              Fort Worth Fabric Studio

And finally, LouLou's Fabric Shop has a HUGE selection, and there's always something new.  Their weekly LouLou Bundles are curated in-house, and are a great little pick-me-up and perfectly seasonal.  Take a look at this week's fresh selection!

And, in order to make room for the constant new additions, they're always marking bundles down to make room in the shop.  You can score some amazing deals!  All Christmas fabrics are 25% off (and I'm always looking for new Christmas fabrics!), and there are plenty of other bolts as low as $6/yard.  Plenty of bundles, precuts, and kits are marked down as well, like this sweet Happy Days bundle.

                     LouLou’s Fabric Shop

Each of these shops offers a great selection and impeccable customer service, so head on over there and refresh your stash for spring!  Happy shopping, friends!

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