Tuesday, January 14, 2020

January Fabric Deals and Two Giveaways!

Wow!  We're already into the middle of January (I really can't believe it).  That means it's time for me to share the best fabric sales and specials from my very favorite shops across the web.  This post contains TWO giveaways, so even if you have resolved to buy less fabric in 2020, you still have a shot at some new fabric, and still stay on the resolution wagon.

First up is Lady Belle Fabric.  Y'all, through this weekend, Lady Belle is having an amazing sale.  Everything is 20% off!  You don't need a coupon code to take advantage of this sale, and the discount will be automatically applied at checkout.  Take a look at this Zuma bundle by Tula Pink.  This bundle is a steal right now.

Lady Belle Fabric
I'm also loving the rich colors in this bundle that just arrived in the shop.  It is the Meadow collection by Rifle Paper Co.
Lady Belle Fabric is sponsoring our first giveaway for the day.  They are providing a $25 gift certificate to one lucky winner, and believe me.  You won't have any trouble figuring out how to use it.
Over at Shabby Fabrics, they know how to do seasonal sewing right.  Even though I'm not really a lover of winter, this super cute table runner might make me reconsider.  Whether you're sewing for a season or a holiday like Valentine's Day, they've got you covered.  And they even post video tutorials for many of them.  You're sure to find one you love.
As I mentioned, basically once Christmas is over, I'm ready for plenty of warmth and sunshine, so I love seeing all of the new spring fabrics hitting the shops right now.  This Bouquet collection is so fresh and lovely!
           Shabby Fabrics

I always love browsing LouLou's Fabric Shop.  They have a HUGE section of sale yardage, and many are as low as $6.00 per yard.  This is a great spot to stock up on quilt backings or even build up certain colors in your stash that are looking sparse.

Let's face it, do we really need a reason to take advantage of such a great deal?

Another spot I always visit in LouLou's shop is their section of fat quarter bundles.  These beautifully curated bundles always have the prettiest fabrics in beautiful, unique color palettes.  They're perfect for getting a jump start on a project.  I especially love these when I want to sew a small seasonal project.  It's enough to sew something substantial, but just enough fabric that I don't feel overwhelmed.

LouLou’s Fabric Shop
Finally, let's chat about Fort Worth Fabric Studio.  I love so many things about their shop, but one of the things I love best is that there are ALWAYS new things being added to the monthly bargains section.  Think of it like a never ending series of flash sales.  Great items at great prices, and once they're gone, they're gone.  It's so much fun to see what's new each day!
                      Fort Worth Fabric Studio
For example, right now these gorgeous Butterfly Jewel Berry 10" square packs are an amazing price right now!
Fort Worth Fabric Studio is also sponsoring the second giveaway of the day.  Two US winners will each receive a mystery Ruby Star Society charm pack.  Fun!
Okay friends, I know I've given you lots to check out, but before you head off to patronize these fabulous shops, take just a minute to enter both giveaways.  Just leave single comment to enter both giveaways!

Since one of today's giveaways is only open to US residents, please be sure to let me know if you're international.  Don't forget to leave an email address if you're a no-reply blogger, and only one entry per person please!  Unfortunately, replies to your own comment counts as an entry (the system numbers those, too), so remember to put your email address in your comment if necessary.

Additional replies/comments/entries are always deleted.  I'll announce the winners at next week's NTT (January 22nd).  Happy shopping and good luck!  :)

This giveaway has ended.  Thanks to all who entered!  See you in February for another amazing chance.  :)


  1. Great shops! Such generous giveaways, my fingers are crossed ;-D

    usairdoll (at) gmail (dot) com

  2. I love the red and blue fabrics that you show - so very pretty - thanks for the chance to enter your give away

  3. Great shops, beautiful fabrics. I just moved and am still trying to "find" all my fabric. hehehe

  4. Those fabrics are gorgeous-especially Bouquet!

  5. I have purchased fabric from each of these fabulous shops! It's always so fun to browse and choose favorites! (I am in USA!)
    duchick at gmail dot com

  6. Exciting giveaway!! Thank you. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :-)


  7. SEW many sweet fabric and some great deals, too!! Thanks for alerting us.

  8. Wonderful giveaways as always! Love all of these shops already, but it is nice to be reminded of the great items they offer!

    Sandy A
    scotty4m39 (at) yahoo.com

  9. What a wonderful bunch of fabrics. Thanks for the giveaways!

  10. I am a crazy Tula fabric addict. Thanks for the chance to win and the great reminder about her fabric. Jmikebalou (at) aol (dot) com

  11. So much fun! Thanks for the chance! Bethastrand@gmail.com

  12. As much as I try to sew from my stash, I’m finding that my fabric pieces are now so small, it’s tough to do anything with them except make scrappy quilts. Sometimes a stash boost is just needed! Thank you for the chance to win.

  13. Great shops.
    Never need a reason to fabric shop. Thecabbageleaf@yahoo.com

  14. lovely. i'm waiting for the rollercoaster weather to end. ours goes up to 50/60 for a few days, then down to 15. back up at the end of the week, then a few days later...snow!

  15. I love the Shabby Fabrics tablerunner--my daughter asked for tablerunner through the year for Christmas. I'll check them out!

  16. I love LouLou's bundles!! Thanks for the opportunity!!

  17. Nice fabric. I could find a use for it. Thanks

  18. Thanks for sharing the shops �� of course I'm ready for spring too!

  19. Love the Bouquet collection! Thanks for a chance to win! Canadian.

  20. Rifle Paper - fabrics fan. Great for all kinds of projects. Lovely tones for winter.

  21. Oh fabric. Love it all. Thanks for the chances to win. Darlene dhoctor@sbcglobal.net

  22. Never have seen any fabric I didn't like.

  23. thank you for sharing about these wonderful shops. i am loving some of those fabrics. need to go check them out. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  24. So much fun, and thank you for sharing! Would love to win some more fabric!
    Roxana Marsh

  25. Love the fabrics! What a great giveaway.

  26. Amazing deals and great shops too! Love the Tula deal for sure!

  27. Such pretty bundles! Thanks for the opportunity to be in the drawing. ochterbeckj at gmail dot com

  28. All the pretty fabric, great way to start the New Year.

  29. Wonderful! Such great giveaways! Now, what should I create! Thank you, Susan

  30. Of course I "need" to add to my stash with such pretties!! Thanks for the giveaway!! :D

  31. I love Lady Belle I always find just what I need in that shop! I found it through your blog! Great giveaway! Heres hoping

  32. Well...I'm sure I could find use for all of that!

  33. Winning would be a great birthday present since January 22 is my birthday!

  34. I love all of the fabrics, esp the Lady Belle

  35. Thanks for another great giveaway! (I'm in Canada)

  36. Such fresh looking colors/patterns

  37. Thanks for the giveaway. Such cheery colors for a gloomy day here.

  38. As a beginning quilter, I don't have much of a stash. I'd love to be able to enlarge it and get the rush that other quilter's get! Thanks for the opportunity to win. danettep1@att.net

  39. Thanks! I love Ruby Star Society, Tula Pink and Fort Worth Quilt shop too!

  40. Kelly I still love the pattern I used for my daughter's quilt! Thank you to Ruby Star society, Fort Worth Quilt Shop and Tula Pink for your donation! slstasser@aol.com

  41. All the pretty fabric! Thank you for the give-always!

  42. Curated color bundles are my downfall. They always seem so wonderful.

  43. I am a fan of these shops. I've received great service from LouLou's and Southern Fabric and love their huge, interesting offerings.

  44. I love these fabric bundles. Thanks for the give always.

  45. Great giveaways! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
    Kathleen -- kakingsbury at verizon dot net

  46. I Love Tula. I had the opportunity to take a class from her the one and only time she taught at Sisters. She was so much fun and it was a wonderful experience.

  47. These are all beautiful! I'm always willing to give more fabrics a new home!

  48. Thanks for the chance in the giveaways and for the great items to check out. My new daughter-in-law loves Rifle Paper Company so I'm going to check out that bundle for sure.

  49. Love the Tula Pink bundle!

  50. Such a fun way to start the year! We are having a couple of days of spring with 50 degree weather before the winter comes back with a storm this weekend, here in MD. Thanks for the chance to win! tntfitness@yahoo.com

  51. Always love the fabric store round-ups. Thanks for the giveaways. crazeematz@gmail.com

  52. So excited for these new releases. Love the quality from these shops. Thanks!

  53. I'm familiar with all the shops except LouLou's. Thanks for the intro!

    mwtaylor88 at gmail dot com

  54. Huge thank you and HUGS to all of these amazing shops/sponsorships. I love shopping all of your shops...and fat quarter bundles always catch my eye. This is so generous and appreciated. It keeps us all young ! Keeping up with fast moving Kelly lol!


  55. Ooh I need that butterfly fabric, it will match my tattoo!

  56. love all the beautiful fabric....bewtjwatgmaildotcom

  57. Ohhhh, some of my favorite shops!!! Time to heat up the plastic! wild_blue_farm at yahoo dot com

  58. Love both of these shops. Great customer service from both.

  59. That rainbow wheel of Tula is just delicious!

  60. Love all of these shops. Thanks for the giveaways.

  61. Love all those beautiful fabrics!!!

  62. These are a few of my favorite shops!!! Thank you for chance to win your Give-a-way :D

  63. Thank you for these awesome giveaways! I love that butterfly fabric. I live in Canada.

  64. I love that red and white bundle from LouLou's. Thanks for the great giveaways!

  65. What great sponsors - so much eye candy for this dreary January!
    basaran.family (at) rogers (dot) com

  66. What gorgeous fabrics - even more beautiful with the winter blues in full swing....I'm eagerly looking forward to sunny, warm weather. Thanks for the giveaways! Deb E / CA

  67. These fabrics are awesome - love the information you provide! Thank you.

  68. How fabulous! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
    cacraftymom at gmail dot com

  69. Lovely fabrics - makes me want to start a new project..LOL mumbird3atgmaildotcom

  70. Beautiful selection of goodies. Would love to ein. 😊

  71. Thank you for the chance to win these wonderful fabrics.

  72. All fabric are beautiful, thanks for giveaway. ekrichmond2106@yahoo.com

  73. Thank you for the wonderful videos and of course the fabric is so beautiful. From a long time seamstress who is expanding to quilting.


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