Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Princess Sugar Pie

Well friends, though this quilt certainly hasn't been one of my favorites to work on because I'm not a huge fan of pink, this one grew on me a little bit.  The best part though, is that with this quilt, two more of my scrap jars have been completely emptied.

I went around and around with myself about how to quilt it.  There was a big part of me that just wanted to stipple it to be finished, but deep down I knew that a quilt this sweet would be perfect with an allover floral motif.

I decided to keep the blooms large and flowing, and they almost have a "doodling" quality to them, which really works great with the colors in the quilt.  I love how the quilting shows up so well against the solid panels on the back.

For the backing, I used this awesome Alison Glass print from the Sun Print 2016 collection, and widened it out with pieces of Kona Lavender and Kona Bright Pink.  While I was piecing my scraps, I got down to the very end and originally worried that I wouldn't have enough for a little bit of improv on the back.  This little improv piece was ALL I had leftover for the backing, and I love the little pop of fun that ties the quilt together.

The deep Kona Purple binding creates such a nice frame for the quilt, and overall, it tones down the brightness of the pinks a little bit.

A quilt this sugary requires a super sweet name, and I decided to have a little fun with it.  Princess Sugar Pie is about the most precious name I could come up with, and I think it suits this quilt perfectly.

Before we get to the highlights from last week's party, I owe you two giveaway winners!  Janie, comment number 56, is the winner of the Butterfly Jewel 2.5" strip pack from Fort Worth Fabric Studio.  And Laura, comment number 36, is the winner of the $25 gift certificate from LouLou's Fabric Shop.  Congrats, ladies!  Thanks to all who entered, and a BIG thanks to my fantastic sponsors.  Giveaways are so much fun, and I couldn't do it without them.

Okay then, time to bring on the eye candy from last week!  This quilt by Lori at Crossquilt is so cute I can barely stand it!

These aqua flowering snowball blocks by LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color are just scrumptious.

And this quilt, by Jen's Crafts and Quilts Scrapbook is so fresh and airy.  Love it!

Alright, y'all!  Time to show what you've been working on this week.  Let's link up!

1You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post (not to your home page!) to make it easier for others.
3. Please remember to spread the word and post my button or a text link.  
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!

*If you're new to the party, here's a helpful tip for linking up- select "Auto Crop"  when selecting your thumbnail photo.  For some reason, trying to crop your own image results in the dreaded "white question mark box," and we definitely want to see your awesome work!  :)


  1. Princess Sugar Pie? ROFL!! I think all of that pink went to your head. Seriously, though, I am SEW impressed (and inspired) by the emptying of your scrap jars... one quilt at a time. Nice job!

  2. Like you, I am not a pink fan. Okay, that may be changing because I just purchased a very intense pink wallet . . . Anyway, I love Princess Sugar Pie (that name makes me chuckle). Are your jars all looking empty now? You've really been on a roll!

  3. I love how scrappy your Princess Sugar Pie quilt is! Will you be offering to sell the pattern? Or did I miss it on a previous post?

    1. Thank you so much, Tammy! I'm actually not planning on a pattern for it. This is just a 12 inch Bowtie block, and there are tutorials for it online. Of course, the scrappy improv construction method is contained in my book, Stash Statement.

      :) Kelly

  4. What a perfectly sweet name for this quilt! It was already beautiful, but with the addition of the quilting it's even better! Love it!

  5. This quilt is so fun. I know you said pink isn't your favorite color---I see the purples and blues more than the pink especially with the purple back. The white contrast makes this quilt "pop".
    As always, love your quilts---great job Kelly :) :)

  6. Love the princess - such rich color and texture. I found out that you will be teaching at my guild in August. I'm really looking forward to taking your Stash statement class.

  7. I love Princess Sugar Pie AND her name! LOL

  8. Pinks and purples used to be a lot harder for me to work with, too, but then my two nieces have fixed that for me. It's lovely and I agree that the large floral quilting motif is a great finishing touch!

  9. The quilting suits it perfectly. And that of the best names ever for a quilt.

  10. I love pink and your quilt! Congratulations on using up those scraps! How I adore pieced backings - and the fact that you could put in a splash of pieced color is awesome! The quilting is so suited for your design!


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