Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Farmhouse II Lattice and NTT

Well friends!  After many hours of sewing, I am happy to report that my Farmhouse II quilt has been sent off to the longarm quilter, and I love the warm colors and simple pattern in this top.

We seem to have skipped right over autumn here in west Tennessee, which is a bit of a bummer because I absolutely love fall.  As I type this, we are actually waiting on our first snow of the season (which is unheard of for November in the Memphis area), and the days have been wet and dreary lately.  In a perfect world, I would have waited for a sunny day to properly show off the colors in this collection, but since time was of the essence, I settled for a quick cloudy day pic and then shipped it off for quilting.  I am super excited about the quilting pattern chosen for this quilt, and I can't wait to get it back!

Last week's party was late, but the projects linked up were fantastic!  I love this fall beauty from Danice at Homespun Hannah-

Sew Preeti Quilts linked up this scrappy quilt filled with fun, whimsical trees-

and finally, this gorgeous modern improv quilt is from Sophie at Luna Lovequilts-

Without further ado, let's get to the party!

1You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post (not to your home page!) to make it easier for others.
3. Please remember to spread the word and post my button or a text link.  
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!

*If you're new to the party, here's a helpful tip for linking up- select "Auto Crop"  when selecting your thumbnail photo.  For some reason, trying to crop your own image results in the dreaded "white question mark box," and we definitely want to see your awesome work!  :)


  1. Thank you for featuring another one of my works. That really makes me feel like I am learning and getting somewhat better at quilting.

  2. love that first quilt you show. I know I made one something like that once and will need to look the pattern back up - it is good for scraps

  3. Your quilt is lovely! Can't wait to see it finished up by the quilter.

  4. Your Lattice quilt is stunning! I know what you mean about the weather, the world seems in such a weird state these days, we've still got some sunshine here in the UK, but the rain has been ridiculous!


  5. The beautiful Fall Splendor pumpkins and leafs just brightened my day.

  6. I'm sorry you skipped over fall! It's been a slow and lingering one out here in case you want to come visit. ;)

  7. Love the lattice blocks in your Farmhouse Quilt. I completely agree with you about skipping fall. It is a snowing here in the DC area and more than anyone anticipated. Thank you for the shout out, Kelly. Hope you are staying warm.

  8. A very pretty finish Kelly. I love fall too but we often skip over it for a few days with early snowfalls. Thankfully it usually returns with sun and warm weather. Typical for Colorado.

  9. A simple pattern but very effective ! Thank you for sharing my quilt Kelly. You made my day :-)

  10. We, too, skipped over fall. And got our first snow today. :(

  11. Kelly, I am loving the Farmhouse II lattice quilt and wonder if you can point me in the direction of the pattern and/or pattern maker so that I can make one. I also love your choice of fabrics ~ where did you find them? Your work is so warm and homey much like I imagine you are. Lovely family too.


Thanks so much for your comment and for visiting! I read and appreciate every single comment, and I reply to each one as soon as I can. If you don't hear back from me, you might be a no-reply blogger. :)