Saturday, July 1, 2017

Sewing a Classic

I know this must happen to everyone, but after spending time making a quilt or writing a pattern that requires lots of planning and math, I get in the mood to cut loose and sew something that takes a little less brainpower.  There is lots of beauty in simplicity, and it's a great way to enjoy the process of creating with a little less stress.  Such is the case with the quilt top I just finished.

Y'all know I've never met a snowball corner I didn't love, so I pulled a pretty palette of fabrics out of my stash and started working on a classic Road to Tennessee quilt.  Sewing 450 snowball corners was super relaxing, and didn't take as long as you might think.  No worries about pulling the correct sized squares; no pauses to make sure that the block was going together correctly; no pressing seams mid-block; just pulling from two different piles of squares and mindlessly piecing.

I'm loving the summery, happy color combo, and the fact that this no fuss quilt top is already finished!  In case you're wondering, I sewed each RTT unit with a 4.5" starting square, and 2.5 inch corner squares, yielding a 4" finished unit, for a 56" x 64" top.  Yep, there is plenty of beauty to be found in sewing a simple, classic quilt block.


  1. Love This! I'm with you and the simplicity break! I've got two "mindless" tops that now need to be quilted. My last simple creation has been waiting for binding for a few months. Ugh. They pile up quickly around here!

  2. I love that quilt - I made one about 4 years like that about the same size - I don't remember the size blocks I used but I think I most likely did it about the same way. Might have to do another! when I saw this photo I loved it and remembered I have given the one I made to my son in law's great niece that they spend so much time with.

  3. I always like this pattern, and yours is exceptionally summery and lovely. Perfect for a white wicker chair on a porch!

  4. This is a beauty! Mindless sewing is the best stress-reliever, isn't it? It's especially good when it turns into something as lovely as this! Bonus is that it cuts down on the scrap pile!

  5. It's lovely Kelly, good work. I totally understand about the urge to sew something that doesn't take much thinking, especially after doing a complicated pattern. I'm looking forward to doing some sewing soon as haven't had a chance to do any in the past two months (busy teaching, preparing to shift house, studying, being a mum etc) but my fabric stash is calling me and I plan to get stuck into once we've shifted and my new spare/sewing room is set up!

  6. Very pretty color palette! So what will you make from all those little triangle trimmings? 😉

  7. So bright and colourful - it is lovely indeed!

  8. Good things often stay good! I love your color choices, and I agree with your sentiment about easy sewing. Also, thank you for adding the measurements. Have a happy 4th of July!

  9. I just had to take and break for a project that wasn't going so well and did some "mindless" sewing. You are so right what a stress reliever. Wish I had thought of this pattern first although mine is working quiet well.

  10. I meant to add I love the colors you used!

  11. Great inspiration. Hum, I have Accuquilt Go dies in those two sizes.... maybe... I should pick some fabric and go wild...

  12. Hooray for simple, and extra awesome when the quilt turns out really lovely!

  13. I love it! Great selection of fabrics.


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