Monday, October 17, 2016

Ask Me Why I Love My Sewing Machine!

In August, I had the pleasure of presenting a trunk show to the Tennessee Valley Quilters Association for their annual Assembly Day.  This is a group of several guilds in Tennessee and northern Alabama, totaling around 500 members.  Kaye England, a prolific traditional quilter and author, was the other speaker at the event, and she and I had some time to chat (she is a hoot!).  When she and I discussed sewing machines, and she found out how much I love my BERNINA 550 QE, she suggested that I check into the Ambassador program.

BERNINA USA              We All Sew

I am so proud to announce that I am a new BERNINA Ambassador, which means first and foremost, that I openly and wholeheartedly support the BERNINA brand.  It also means that I'll be contributing projects to We All Sew, BERNINA USA's blog, among other activities.

I have been vocal about how much I love my sewing machine, and the BERNINA brand in general since purchasing my BERNINA 550QE over three years ago, but I am excited to now have a formal partnership with such a great company.  So go ahead- ask me why I love my sewing machine!


  1. Congratulations! I don't have to ask why you love your Bernina as I love my 20+ year old Bernina. Nothing Sews Like a Bernina!

  2. Yay! congrats! You are perfect for this job!

  3. I love my Berninas too. I got to sew this weekend on a 790 while at a big quilt show. Fun! Fun! Fun! I still love my 1090 the best but it's fun to fly a jet every once in awhile :-)

  4. Congratulations. I've heard of Bernina, but I don't think I've seen the brand locally here.

  5. Congratulations! I love my Bernina Quilters Edition 153; I've had it for 14 years. Last weekend, it died and I had to take it to the dealer. It needs a new power board, which may come from Bernina HQs in Chicago OR from Switzerland. So I'm not sure when I'm getting my machine back. I have a backup Brother machine, but it is a toy compared to my Bernina. I really am missing it!

  6. Congrats! That's so great to hear - I love being an ambassador :-)

  7. Congrats "Miss Bernina Ambassador", thats just awesome Kelly.
    Looking forward to see you there too...and all your quilty goodness.

  8. Congratulations on becoming an ambassador. I love my Bernina, so you couldn't have picked a better company.

  9. Congratulations Kelly! Sounds like a perfect role for you.

  10. I also love Bernina. I have a 830 Record that I bought in 1971 and it still chugs along.


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