Wednesday, June 29, 2016

NTT Today

Unfortunately, there will be no Needle and Thread Thursday this week. Strong storms moved through our area on Monday and our house was struck by lightning.  Among many other things, it affected our internet and home phone, and it has not yet been restored. In fact, I am making this post from my cell phone. :(.

I am hoping to have my service back up and running after my service appointment  tomorrow afternoon. I can't wait to show you my finished Stacked Squares quilt!  Until then, I'll be spending plenty of time at my machine!

Thanks so much for your understanding and I'll see you next week!

:) Kelly


  1. Oh Kelly, this is unfortunate but I am glad that you and your family are safe. Whenever you are up and running, you will find your fans right here waiting for you and cheering you on. Looking forward to the finished Stacked Squares.

  2. Hope things get repaired soon. At least you and your family are OK!

  3. Struck by lightening is not a good thing. I hope there wasn't much damage and that you recover quickly. (My computer was struck by lightening last year and I had to buy a new one. Hope that's not so for you!)
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  4. So sorry to hear that. As long as you and your family are ok and didn't suffer too much damage.

  5. Sounds scary. I hope you are all ok.

  6. Oh dear! I was actually afraid you were going to say that your computer got fried, so things are better than they could be. So enjoy revisiting the early 1990s without the everpresent WWW, Keep Calm and Sew On.

  7. Oh my, hope you are all OK. I was going to link up my finished Stems and Stones actually :-)

  8. What a terrible thing to happen. If your pc is ok then remember to always back it up, just in case! Glad you are all well - take care :)

  9. Be safe, at least none of you were hurt I hope.

  10. Oh boy! No fun at all. Not to mention scary! I was without home phone, internet, and television once, not long ago. I could live without the phone and TV, but I sure missed the internet! But like you, I did get a lot of sewing accomplished, and new projects started!

  11. All is safe and sound, and that's all that matters. Enjoy the quiet and we'll be looking forward to NTT next week.

  12. Wow we just have earthquakes

  13. So sorry to hear that, Kelly! Forget phone and internet -- you have no power to your SEWING MACHINE!!! Hope they get you back up and running soon, and thankful that no one was hurt in the storm.

  14. Thanks for letting us know! All will be well soon. A good reminder of how fragile our world is!

  15. I am glad to hear that you are doing well. Stay safe!


  16. Oh so not fun. Those summer storms can pack a punch. Glad it wasn't anything worse.


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