Monday, December 7, 2015

Evergreen Patchwork

It's beginning to look a LOT like Christmas around here!  Sometimes when I'm in the middle of a big project and it starts feeling tedious, sewing something small refreshes me, and then I can jump back in with enthusiasm.  So, that's just what I did.  I have been sewing up a storm on a few Christmas gifts that need to be kept secret, but this pillow was a perfect little diversion.

I had a single mini charm pack of Evergreen by Basic Grey, and it was almost enough to make this 12" x 16" pillow.  I had to add six additional squares (for 48 total) from my Christmas scraps, but I think the additions blend well with the collection.

The back is a rich Christmassy green from my stash with a simple envelope closure, and a Kona Red binding frames it all nicely.

I picked this mini charm pack up over the summer when the line first came out, and it is my first experience with them.   There so cute and inexpensive, but I wasn't entirely sure what I wanted to do with it, especially since I just had one.  It helped make a perfect little brain break, though!  Back to the grind!


  1. Great little break project. You cannot tell which fabrics came from your stash!

  2. Very cute pillow! I always buy mini charms of lines I may want. Then I can see them and decide which prints I like best for backing etc before ordering :)

  3. Very sweet. I love quick projects as they make me feel I am actually achieving something instead of looking at my list of wips that are going nowhere. x

  4. This little pillow is adorable. Where did you pick up your pillow form? I only seem to see basic squares at my local shoppes.

  5. The minis also make great potholders. No cutting for the front, several fabrics to choose from. Use leftover pieces for the backing and binding.


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