Thursday, April 9, 2015

Ticker Tape

Every April, my school has a huge carnival fundraiser, complete with food trucks, dunk tank, cake walk, games, face painting, and lots of silent auction items.  This year, the PTA asked each class to create a piece of art to be auctioned off, and we could choose to make anything we wanted.  Of course I chose to use fabric.  Was there ever really a question?

I went through my scrap jars and found all of the smallest bits, and decided to make a Ticker Tape "quilt" on canvas using this tutorial from Crazy Mom Quilts.  I LOVE it so much, I think I'm going to try to win it for my sewing room...although my assistant principal has her eye on it for her office.

The biggest change I made from the method in the tutorial is that I added two coats of glossy decoupage medium on top of the fabric as well, rather than just sticking the fabric down with it.  I didn't want to take any chances with the fabric edges fraying, and I like the texture it gives.  The kids had so much fun placing the pieces (with a little guidance from me), and I think it will do well at the auction.

The canvas is big, measuring 24 x 36 inches, so this is a real statement piece.  Even if I don't win it, I think I might have to make another one for myself!


  1. Very cool idea! Looks great! I love Sunday Morning Quilts too - am still building up a big enough stash of scraps before I can make anything out of it though LOL!

  2. It's great! I would want to win it too!

  3. Ahhh love this! I've been experimenting with canvas too. :)

  4. Wow, amazing!! I bet your students had a blast putting this together ... What a great idea!

  5. How cool is that! And yes, there was no surprise that you'd choose fabric as your artistic medium. :)

  6. Your piece of work looks great. They do look a lot larger pieces than your tutorial. Very clever

  7. So cool! As a former teacher myself, I'm curius - how exactly did you go about having your kids help you make this?

  8. This would kind of be a neat way to reminisce on quilts that you've done in the past, especially if they were special ones for certain people. Hope you get it!

  9. I love it! I was just thinking about using some of my fat quarters to put on canvas (Yes, the whole fat quarter) for instant pictures around my house. Some of the fabrics I have just cannot be cut into...this way I can keep them forever!

    1. I love this idea, Claudia, may I emulate you and perhaps wind up with my fave fabrics on the walls too ?~!

  10. Yowza!! I love how vivid and alive it is... A piece of art indeed!! I'm sure it'll raise big bucks for your event! Please, let us know how it does!

  11. Super cute! Good luck winning it at the auction. :)

  12. What a great art piece for your auction and a good way to involve the kids too.

  13. What a fab idea, it looks really great :0)

  14. Love it! It will look good wherever it gets hung. I am sure the kids had a good time, and I think you were right to also put a couple of coats on the top. Nancy A:

  15. Hi Kelly! This is fantastic! I need one, too! Thanks for the link. x Teje

  16. Oh, this will be such a beautiful addition to an office! I really like your idea of putting decoupage over the fabric. I hope you don't have the fire marshal regulations that I had in the school district I worked for. I had a quilt up for years, and then in my last year, I had to take it down because fabric was considered a fire hazard. I was so bummed! But I'm thinking the decoupage might make it look less like fabric to a fire marshal. : )


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