Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Baby Boy Sewing and NTT

Hello friends.  Welcome to another NTT!  Well, once again west Tennessee is bracing for winter weather, and I'm a little torn by it.  I can't wait for the warmer weather of spring, but a big part of me still gets excited about snow days.  I'm currently working on two different quilts, a queen sized custom order, and a baby quilt for my nephew that was born just this afternoon.

You know me.  I usually don't work on more than one project at a time, but because of all of the snow elsewhere, one of the fabrics for my custom quilt has been delayed.  So, I took the opportunity to whip up this simple little baby quilt this morning entirely from my stash.  Well, I had to buy the background fabric (Kona Ash, by the way) because I just don't keep yardage of solids on hand, but close enough.  His nursery is decorated in shades of blue, so this will go quite nicely in the room.

I'm planning to put the backing for this one together tonight and get it basted and quilted within the next couple of days.  How about you?  Are you getting pummeled by winter weather, or have signs of spring already started appearing?  Either way, I'm looking forward to seeing the projects you're working on.  First though, check out some of the projects from last week's party.

Terri Ann from Childlike Fascination linked up her beautiful Wishing Upon Stars quilt.  If you missed it, you MUST check out the rest of the gorgeous photos of these bright fabrics against the snowy setting.

Porch Swing Quilts showed off her new quilt pattern, Flower.  Isn't it a beauty?

and last but not least, Kelli at Seriously... I Think it Needs Stitches shared her Trash to Treasure block tutorial.  I love sewing like this.  Each little random piece is so interesting, and there is virtually zero wasted fabric.  Win, win!

Okay y'all!  What fabulousness do you have ready to link up today?  I can't wait to see!

1.  You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post (not to your home page!) to make it easier for others.
3. Please remember to spread the word and post my button or a text link.  
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!


  1. Love your blue and gray combo on the baby cute!

  2. The baby quilt looks like stacked bricks, perfect for a little boy!

    We had the winter weather today, so no school. Doesn't matter for me, but Drama Teen was thrilled to sleep in this morning.

  3. And the last couple of days it's been up to 41 degrees..... here in Glennallen Alaska...

  4. Oh, we're even cold way down here in Louisiana! In fact, no school tomorrow....I teach, so I'm a bit happy to have a day of sewing!

  5. What a sweet nephew quilt!! Congrats on a new family member!
    We've had no winter this year in AK... I would love to have some snow to roll around in ;) Perhaps we can trade?

  6. The baby blue quilt is a whole lot of scrappy cuddly goodness. What a great idea to use our scraps. Love it!!!

  7. I'm always amazed at how quickly you sew up quilts - you must be a speed demon at the machine !
    Colleen @

  8. Congratulations on your nephew!!! :) That's really exciting.

  9. Very cute quit! We only got somewhere between two and four inches here in Middle TN. Have been hearing thar your area got a whole lot more. Stay warm!!!

  10. Like you I'm waiting on my fabric to arrive too! This crazy weather has messed up delivery!

  11. Blues would have to be among my favourite hues. Yours come together wonderfully - congratulations on the new nephew too! How wonderful to be able to create a unique gift so promptly. I think it looks great - thanks for the inspiration too.

  12. Hi Kelly, I hope you don't mind me crashing your fun linky party! I stumbled across your blog a few days ago and love it! I am now following you through Bloglovin .


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