Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Winner, Winner and NTT!

It's NTT time y'all, and that means that it's time to announce the winner of the Up Parasol bundle from Shabby Fabrics!  Congratulations to Tanya Quilts in CO, comment number 5.  I'll be contacting you by email soon!

I made a quilt with some of these on commission I would love some for myself!

I have made a bit of progress on my latest quilt, but no photo to show for it.  I got the backing sewn together and basted it last night.  Although it is one of the least interesting steps in the quilting process to show, it feels like a big accomplishment because I really dislike the basting process.

So, without further ado, check out some of the awesomeness that was linked up at last week's party!  Take a look at this fabulous rainbow mini made by Lori of Crossquilt.  Lori is in my guild and was at my house last weekend for our sew-in, and I had the pleasure of seeing this one in person.  It really is stunning!

Paula, The Sassy Quilter shared the progress on her Aviatrix Medallion quilt.  I LOVE the bright colors against the gray background!

and just look at this EPP beauty from Fabulous Frivoloties!  Oh my, I know that was painstaking work!

It's amazing.  You all continue to inspire me week after week!  Time to link up your projects this week!

1.  You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post (not to your home page!) to make it easier for others.
3. Please remember to spread the word and post my button or a text link.  
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!

*Oh, one more thing before we party- the time to cast your votes in the Blogger's Quilt Festival is almost up!  I would love for you to vote for Shattered Rainbow in the ROYGBIV category.  You can vote HERE!


  1. Congratulations t Tanya!

    I just basted my Churn Dash and! I used spray to help this time because of the size.

    Good luck with yours!

  2. Thanks for the feature, Kelly. This one was fun to make and I enjoyed the whole process!

  3. Congrats Tanya!!! And great highlights this week!!

  4. I'm a follower on bloglovin' and this is my first time to post.
    Thanks for hosting.



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