Saturday, November 8, 2014


First of all, I want to give a huge shout of thanks to all of you who cast a vote for my Shattered Rainbow quilt in the Blogger's Quilt Festival.  I just received word that my quilt won the ROYGBIV category, and I am beyond thrilled.  What an honor!

I'm on cloud nine right now, and I am happy to share my latest finish with you as well!  I've decided to call this quilt Royalty.  I think the name fits the rich jewel tones, as well as the crown shape created with the blocks.  I can even see a tiara shape in the negative space between the blocks.

I really enjoyed the entire process of making this quilt.  The pinks and purples are colors that I don't usually gravitate toward, but I couldn't be happier with the way it turned out.

I used all of the scraps, then added some wide stripes of teal and gray fabrics to finish out the backing.

Do you ever get an idea in your head that you just can't stop thinking about?  I have to believe that we all feel that way sometimes.  Well, I've been so excited about the design of this quilt, that I have also written the pattern for it while simultaneously sewing it.  Ordinarily, I finish the quilt completely before even starting the pattern, but with this one, I found myself stealing a few minutes here and there to work out the quilty math throughout the whole process.

So, that means that I am also delighted to let you know that my Royalty pattern is available in my Craftsy and Etsy shops!  This pattern is written in three sizes, and has two different layout options.  So, you could choose to make both and get two patterns in one!  I hope you'll check it out!


  1. Congrats on the pattern and on the win, Kelly!!! That's awesome!

  2. Congrats, It's a stunning quilt

  3. wow that is beautiful. I'm going to pin the pattern for future reference. Once I get my project list down a little I'm definitely getting this pattern!!!

  4. Congratulations on your BQF win and your new pattern.


  5. Congratulations Kelly on both counts. Just love your Royalty quilt. I love your meandering quilting the stitches are so uniform, do you quilt on your domestic machine? I keep practising but still end up with long and short stitches!!!!

  6. congratulations Kelly well done and well deserved

  7. Congratulations,that's great.Well done!!

  8. congratulations. and your royalty quilt is so very pretty. I love how you made the back also. I have a question: I am making a quilt for our son and his fiancé. It looks like you wrote your tag for the back. What is the best pen to use so it will not wash out?

  9. Well done on winning the ROYGBIV - it's a lovely quilt :)

  10. Great job Kelly. It's lovely and congratulations

  11. Congratulations on winning and on releasing your fabulous pattern. Can't wait to see all the different versions of this quilt popping up over social media. Fabulous!

  12. Congrats on the win! I feel like a broken record, but I love this new pattern too!!

  13. Awesome win!!! WTG!!!!! Love the new pattern and I see the tiara too - perfect name for the pattern!!!

  14. Absolutely beautiful! These colors are great. Congrats on the new pattern.

  15. Congratulations on your great win. That is an awesome quilt for sure!! Love the new pattern too.

  16. Congratulations Kelly. It's a nice design and adding teal to purple and pink makes a dynamic combination.

  17. I love this new pattern, and Shattered is just so beautiful! Congratulations!

  18. YAY! Congratulations! I totally voted for this one... it is so lovely and so colorful! Great job! COngrats again!

  19. Congratulations on your win! And on completing this lovely quilt. It is very interesting to follow the different patterns created across the quilt and the colours you've used look great. I'm sure you'll be selling a lot of copies of this. :-)

  20. Congratulations on the win!! Well deserved :) And that binding is the perfect finish for this quilt!

  21. A beautiful design! Congrats on the Win with your ROYGBIV!

  22. Congrats on the win, Kelly! :) I love this quilt. Hadn't noticed the tiara until you mentioned it, but I totally see it. So cool. :D

  23. That's great news, Kelly! Congrats on the festival and on the pattern!

  24. Congratulations! This quilt is also a stunner!

  25. Love your quilt, congratulations! It's beautiful!


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