Saturday, August 9, 2014

Fat Quarter Style Winner!

Time keeps getting away from me, doesn't it?  I didn't get the chance to close out the giveaway yesterday, and truthfully,  I don't know what I was thinking by planning to write a post on the Friday following the first week of school.  All I could do last night was collapse!

Anyway, it was so much fun to see all of the comments with your favorite pattern from Fat Quarter Style- 116 of them!  Mr. Random Number Generator picked lucky comment number 28.  Congratulations, Kate!  I'll be contacting you soon so you can check out Raindrops, as well as the other awesome patterns in the book!

I like Raindrops!


Thanks so much for your comment and for visiting! I read and appreciate every single comment, and I reply to each one as soon as I can. If you don't hear back from me, you might be a no-reply blogger. :)