Monday, May 12, 2014

Guess Who's Hosting TGIFF?

This girl!  This is an exciting week here at My Quilt Infatuation.  You can party twice!  Right after my regular Needle and Thread Thursday party this week, Friday I'll be hosting TGIFF.  I have a new quilt  in the works, and it's a big one (80x100").  I'll be working hard all week so that I can share the finished top then!

Twice the partying means twice the inspiration and twice the FUN, so be sure to hop on over and link up your latest project (finished or WIP) to NTT on Thursday, and then swing back by on Friday to link your finishes to TGIFF!


  1. Yay you!!! Have a great time.

  2. I'm really excited for you Kelly!!
    I'll be looking forward to Thursday AND Friday :)

  3. Awesome! Can't wait to see what you've been up to!


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