Sunday, November 10, 2013

Welcoming Someone New!

I am so thrilled to welcome Five Monkey Fabrics as a new sponsor!  If you've never checked out their shop, you are totally missing out!  I have purchased from Ginger several times, and I have to say that each time has been a fantastic experience, and I received my order lightning fast!

Five Monkey Fabrics

Ginger at Five Monkey has a fantastic selection of quilting fabrics, bundles, patterns, notions, and an awesome clearance section.  She carries Birds of a Feather, Lottie Da, Briar Rose, and lots more!

A special discount code has been set up especially for  my fantastic readers.  Just use the code MQI15 for 15% off your entire purchase!  The code will work on either Five Monkey's website (linked with the button) or her etsy shop.

Happy shopping!


  1. I've ordered from them too! Great selection and super fast shipping!

  2. I will keep her on my list. I did not see any Lottie Da fabric but will check back at a later time. I like that she has free shipping over $50. Thanks

    1. You're right Judith! I just looked on the website and don't see it either. However, the Lottie Da fabrics are listed in her etsy shop. She must not have had a chance to list them in both places yet since it just came in. The shop has the same name in etsy and you can find all of the Lottie Da there in the meantime!

      :) Kelly


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