Thursday, October 3, 2013

Tips for a Fast Finish

As I mentioned in my yesterday's NTT post, this quilt was done in a big hurry- three nights to be precise.  I know...crazy!

I will admit that there were some late nights involved in getting it finished, but since next week is Fall Break and this is for my principal, that simply could not be avoided.  There are a few tricks I have up my sleeve to finish quilts FAST when I need to.

1.  Pattern choice is key-  I pick patterns that are simple to sew and quick to cut.  Even with varying the 
    direction of the strips in this quilt, this top was quick to put together.  I could have had the strips 
    going all the same direction and it would have been even faster.

2.  Shop your stash-  Rather than choose colors that I wanted and try to make my stash fit those colors, I  
     allowed my stash to determine the colors.  I didn't have to go the the fabric store in order to get 
     down to business.  I also try to keep a well-rounded stash so that I have plenty of choices!

3.  Multitask-  I know this is easier said than done with little ones, but I sew while helping with 
     homework, between stirring dinner on the stove, while watching TV, etc.  If I have 10 extra 
     minutes, I'm sewing.

4.  Make the quilting easy-  Everybody has their favorite go-to quilting method.  Mine is 
     meandering/stippling.  I just love it (I know you can tell).  It's relaxing for me, and really quick.

Even with a fast finish, quilting should be fun!  These are four ways that I keep my sewing stress-free- even when I'm under pressure to get something done quick!

I've named this one Fishing at the Creek.  I can just see a little boy in overalls on the banks of beautiful, clear water on a summer day.  I always tend to have lots of blue and green in my stash.  I guess it's because I find these colors so happy and peaceful, that I'm just drawn to them.  

You can also see the backing fabric really well in this picture.  I really lucked out with this Denyse Schmidt fabric with the perfect shade of blue and the little green dots.  Incidentally, this is the only fabric I purchased especially for this quilt.  You probably recognize those lime dots too- that's left over from Serendipity.  And of course, no backing of mine would be complete without adding in the scraps!

The finished quilt measures 48 inches square and I hope that it is loved for years and years by that sweet little baby boy.


  1. Oh how sweet! Love the name and the title fits nice. You go girl! Now let me go find NTT:)

  2. WOW you are amazing. The stress of having to get a quilt done in a few days would be too much for me but this quilt is absolutely beautiful. You have a great eye for colour and I have no doubt it will be treasured by the recipient.

  3. Looks great!! I multitask like crazy when I sew :) It's the only way I can get anything done lol

  4. Such a quick and easy quilt, but I'm sure it will be treasured. I love to see how fast I can make a quilt too.

  5. Awesome baby boy quilt, perfect for snuggling baby and later for the driving of toy cars by a todler boy.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  6. You come up with the best quilt names. I think the next time I finish a quilt I'm going to ask you to name it!

  7. Love the colors and fabrics! Someday I'll have a stash that I can go to for an entire quilt! And I second Diana's comment ... you get to name all my quilts. I drew a blank on my third quilt and after weeks of deliberation finally named it "number three"!

  8. Perfect little boy quilt! I'm sure it will be treasured for many years to come!

  9. A wonderful job in such short time.

  10. it is so, so cute! those are some great tips for quick quilts. I am finding the stipple to be so much more natural and relaxing, lately, too. the more I do it, the more rhythmic it becomes. I should be working on it right now, actually!

  11. Okay, I'm laughing because I just commented back to you that I have a pink/orange stack of fabric, and need to do something with a lime/blue stack of fabric. And then I read this you have given me inspiration for both stacks. Thanks!

  12. Love the colours. If you read the instructions for OctoberQuest, you need to put a link to TGIFF in to be entered into the draw. Please relink when you have done so. thanks.

  13. Your quilt is lovely and I am sure your Principal was delighted. No doubt the new Mum will be ecstatic to receive this lovely. I love your tips....just fabulous. Have a wonderful weekend. Thank you Marie x

  14. Your quilt is beautiful.... perfect for a little guy! Love it!

  15. Beautiful!! I have a favorite jelly roll that I've been looking at; I now have been inspired by you to use it!! Thank you.

  16. I love your strippy quilt! And as usual, the fabrics are great. I'm sure this quilt will be loved :)

  17. Really lovely stuff. I particularly like the label. Such a nice touch.

  18. I always love your color combinations! Do you mostly choose from lines of fabric?

  19. Ha! I couldn't help but smile at your tip on multi-tasking -- in my house I get shunned for being "preoccupied" when I try to work on quilty/blog things during family time. I need to have your husband have a talk with mine ;)

  20. I have already made a few things from your tutorials and I now I have another. I just love this little boy quilt and might have to add this one to the "up next" list. Love it!

  21. Gorgeous. I am in love with this colour combo, so bright and fun yet calm and soft at the same time.

  22. You have done it again....great quilt!

  23. Love it and love he back and label!!!

  24. Gorgeous! You are like the energized bunny getting these quilts made! I love everything about it!

  25. Again, you hit the nail on the head! quilt a week AND you work full time AND a family?! I feel like such a slug....

  26. Totally love the layout and fabrics!! Awesome!! :)

  27. Totally worth the wait to see the full picture. Super cute quilt! Love the colours, especially. Your list of tips are greatly appreciated. Will have to incorporate some of those into my KYSS (Keep Your Sewing Simple) policy!

  28. Beautiful quilt and thank you so much for the great tips!

  29. What a fun quilt and a perfect gift! I'm like you.....meandering/stippling is so relaxing and is my fast and easy type of quilting. Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  30. Great idea! Lovely combination of colours!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com

  31. Dear Kelly, I'm new to quilting and would like to know what you use to label your quilts with? Is it a pen or do you print them on the computer?

    1. Hi Judy! Thanks so much for your comment! I actually use a permanent pen with a super fine tip. I have a whole label tutorial in my Tutorials page that shows exactly how I create them. Enjoy!

      :) Kelly

  32. Kelly, another fabulous quilt from you and your stash. I love the colors in this one. I have my best successes with strips and I love to see others use the same materials so I can see their interpretations of Strips. Yours is great and the tips will be helpful for me for a long time. Thanks so much for sharing.

  33. I love that you called in Fishing By The Creek...your simplicity always inspires me....


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