Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I like big blocks... (and I cannot lie)

You other quilters can't deny...

Okay, I won't further subject you to the 4:00am ramblings of my brain.  But admit it, you're singing along.  Don't deny it!

That's not entirely true though.  I actually love the way that tiny pieces look in finished quilts- like postage stamps or scrappy trips, but again, my lack of patience and desire for instant gratification means that I make larger blocks more often.

Anyway, I fell asleep last night thinking about the unspeakable tragedy that Oklahoma is dealing with right now, and so, when I heard a large clap of thunder, I couldn't help myself.  I had to get up, check the weather, check on my wild thing, and say another prayer for all of those who have lost loved ones.  As a parent and a 3rd grade teacher it literally brings tears to my eyes to think of those parents who can only stare at an empty bed tonight.

So, I did what I always do when I need to clear my mind.  I headed to my sewing machine.  To work on turning this-

into this-

By the way, I hardly ever remember to take pictures at the beginning of a project, so that pile of coins is already greatly diminished from its beginning number of 240 (teeny, tiny pieces- for me anyway).  

I opted not to do strip piecing for a couple of reasons- first, I wanted a totally random look, and secondly, some of my scraps were too small. So sewing the individual coins into rows took awhile.  Longer than usual for me- not to mention the all of the pressing and cutting. 

and this evening, I turned them into this-

I used a soft gray sashing (Kona Iron) to really make the colors stand out, and turned the short stacks of blocks in alternate directions to add a little interest.  I'm thinking about putting aqua on the back and binding in a shade of green (maybe Kelly green?), and I have a row of coins to go across the back.

This began as a scrap quilt, (the coins are made from over 60 different fabrics) but I ended up cutting into some of my fat quarters to balance out my colors. I don't know if that makes me particular or a little insane.  And really, sometimes, who can tell the difference?


  1. What a fun quilt! I can't wait to see how it looks finished. - Mindy

    1. Thanks a bunch! I can't wait to get to the fabric store, get the batting and backing and get it done! :)

  2. Looks beautiful and a great quilt to work on and relax! I have a coin quilt very similar that I need to get posted. I finally finished it as a QAYG. Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  3. What a beautiful quilt! I thought the rectangles were photographs from the link thumbnail but this is very pretty!

  4. Wow, what a wonderful projects you have going! Love the selection on colours and fabrics!
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  5. Love the colour pop on the gray, looks great!

  6. I love your quilt! The colours are so nice! We're all the coins the same size and if so, can you share the size measurement?



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